What’s Your Healthy Living Style — Is It Time for a Personal Rebrand?
We all have certain philosophies, rules, and values that guide the actions we take every day with regards to the foods we eat and the beverages we drink, how much we move, and what kinds of self-care we provide ourselves during the day. I call this your healthy living “style”. Trust me, even if you think you have no fashion style, you have a healthy living style. Stop to check in with yourself for a minute to ask yourself: “what’s my healthy living style?”
Self Care On Your Plate — Dieting vs. Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes allow you to live and eat and enjoy food without feeling the need to eat a specific way or with specific foods all of the time. With that in mind, you can’t make a mistake or be told you messed up with an overall healthy lifestyle diet like you can on a prescribed diet plan. Doesn’t that sound like an ultimate form of self-care? Being kind to yourself with what you put in your body? It does to me!
Understanding Food Noise and How to Get Started with Overcoming It
Food noise is the term that's used to describe the negative voice in your head that's fixated on food. I didn't make up the term, but I can promise you that many of my students and clients have had it and never heard of it before.
Nutrition Educator vs Registered Dietician - Which is Right for You?
I focus on food enjoyment, overcoming food noise, and how to use food to build a happier, healthier life, now and forever. I don’t believe in “going on a diet” — this won’t bring you happiness or long-term success!